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coffee and friends = the perfect blend color palette

#2E2B23 #655339 #B1AB9B #E3D0A9 #A78959
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related tags: 2B2A26 2E2B23 5A5144 93846C A78959 ACA8A0 B1AB9B D5CBB8 E3D0A9 americano arabica barista beverages bitter blend brew brewery cafe caffeinated caffeine cappuccino chill chillax chocolate coffee coffeemaker coffeeshop coffehouses cokelat cup decaf decaffeine digna diuretic drink drinkers drinking drinks eskopi espresso gahwa gelas glass hazelnut ice iced indonesia kafe kaffee kedaikopi kopi latte manis meminum minum mocha mug pahit qahwah relax robusta santai shop sweet 655339