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drums color palettes

#190F0E #6C3226 #D60000 #FFF1D3 #FA8E00
#000E06 #00380B #007021 #DAF9FF #00C36D
#090000 #370004 #6D3136 #E5E0D4 #CC1707
#030101 #320000 #7A0000 #D80000 #FFC200
#28292A #1A3477 #0019C9 #CEBCFF #2667FF

related tags: abigfave accordian again against all allorooni always amarelo an animated animation any anybody anything approached arabic asked audience baby back background baixo band barely bass bassplayer bateria be beat beats begins belly big black blackbackground bloated blossom blossomonthebass blow blubbles blue blues boneca bongo bongos booming bought bourbon bourbonarooni bourbonorooni bout bowed boys breathlessly brood bubblesonthedrums burly but california cant cello cement cjam clasping colored colors come comes crazy crowds cs cubana cute dean despairing dialect do docinho does doll door down dream dreamed drinks drum drummer drums each eager egyptian emp ever every everybody everybodys everygoodboydeservesfavour experiencemusicproject eyes feet fifteen finally fineovauti fingernails fingertips flickrrockstar florzinha for forefinger forward frisco from front fun funk funksession gaillard gets getting gif girls girlsorooni god goes goorooni got grabs graemeedge grass great greatorooni group guarantee guitar guitars had half hand hands happened having he head hear helloorooni him his hits hospital hour hours how imperceptible innumerable interestingness is it jackkerouac jazz jfgama johnboham johnlodge join just justinhayward jwf keeps keyboard keyboards knows language languages lay leans lindinha listened little long looking looks mad madmen making men meninassuperpoderosas mike minute minutes mixer mohawk more mother music newmexico night nightclub nobody noise notes nothing now off once one ontheroad open or orooni oroonirooni out over p paulallen people peruvian phun piano playing plays post powerpuff powerpuffgirls prayer putti rapid realizes really red reverie right rightorooni riorancho rock rockandroll rockers rocking rockmeamadeus rocknroll row sad sadly said sal sat sax saxophone saying says scan seattle see semiintellectuals set shuffled sing sits skin slap slim slipped slow slowly slugs smaller smile softer solo sorriso sounds spanish spirit squirrel squirrels stands starts stiffly string suddenly sweating table takes talk tall tapping tbas terrorlea thankyouovauti that their themoodyblues then there these they thin things think this thought till time tips together toy traffic tree tremendous trumpet turned two under undershirt up us vauti vermelho very voice wakes warmed was we went when where whole whos with wont world yellow yells yes you young